Instant Updates on Any Device? Check.

Instantly find out what’s been done, from anywhere on any device, at any time. Array’s Check Box function is easy to implement into your forms, and even easier to use.

Checklists? Check.

Knowing what work’s been done as soon as it’s been done is indispensable to managers in any industry. Want to know on site safety precautions are being followed? Check. Want to know a reservation has arrived at your restaurant? Check. Want to make sure nobody’s missed a single step in a customer inspection? Check. Array’s checklists and check boxes quite literally check every box.

More Features to Combine with Check Boxes

Compatibility with other forms? Check.

Array’s check boxes can be simply and quickly added to any of your forms, either as a standalone section or incorporated into your tables and subforms. In just a few moments, your checklist can be created, updated, and distributed across multiple devices.

Multiple device support? Check.

Because Array is compatible with every web browser and any smart device, your teams and your customers can use check boxes everywhere. Whether they’re filling in a customer satisfaction survey from the comfort of their home, crossing off today’s to-do list in the office, or running down a safety checklist from their smartphone on a remote work site.