The Array system uses notifications to tell users when certain events have happened, such as when a form has been assigned to them, when they have been assigned to a user group or when they have been given access to the Array system. These are preset notifications which can be tailored to the needs of the individual.

Individual users can also set up personal notifications to help them manage their Array forms and projects more easily. Array gives the option of being able to receive notifications within the Array system, via email or both.

How can personalized notifications be useful?

If you had to check the Array system every time a submission was made on a particular project it could become very time consuming. If you set a personalized notification to tell you each time a submission is made then you have the information in front of you without having to do anything. Setting these notifications can help you see how much of the project is completed and how quickly it is likely to be finished.

If you’re a manager then you can set notifications to tell you when a member of your team has submitted a leave request. This means that requests don’t go unnoticed and that you’re able to action them in a timely manner.

The notifications you use in Array are personal to you; they aren’t visible to anyone else. This means that you can personalize your notifications to make your Array experience itself more personal and to enhance its effectiveness and ease of use.


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