4 Ways to Improve Data Collection in a Small to Medium Business

Take a step back and consider the data accessible to your business. Most likely, it has grown as your business has and will only continue to grow more in the future. With a greater degree of available data comes a greater need to effectively and efficiently collect that data. While large amounts of data is incredibly valuable due to the insight it can provide, it can also become overwhelming when not collected or utilized properly. In order to ensure your business doesn't drown in information, you need a defined process and system in place to collect, store, and manage your data. Once you've got the data under control, you can analyze it and make educated choices going forward.

Whether you are looking to implement a brand new data collection system or just improve the ways you already collect it, here are four ways Array can help you stay focused on what's really important.

  1. Think about which customer connections are significant

    Often the most significant data you need relates to your customers. First, you should define which customer connections are important to you. Do you need to know where your customers came from, which products or services they were interested in, what they purchased, or how often they buy product from you? Once you've established which pieces of customer data are valuable to you, then you can set up processes to collect that data and organize it. Array integrates into countless applications so you can do just that.

  2. Consider which behavior related data is important

    Don't just concentrate on the customers who have actually finalized a purchase. Every missed lead is an opportunity to learn and adapt so that future leads have a higher conversion rate. Use Array's integrations (like the one with Zapier), to track important web interactions, convert it into usable data, and then instantly generate reports. These reports provide insight into the effectiveness of your website and other marketing tools.

  3. Put your data to work

    Data collection, even when fully automated, still has the chance to hinder a business more than it helps. Sometimes having too much data can be overwhelming. The Catch-22 is that you don't always know what data you'll need and what data you wont. That's why you need a platform that doesn't just assist you in the way you collect data, but also keeps the data organized and catalogued. Thankfully, Array isn't just a powerful data collection tool. It also stores all that data securely in the cloud, and then makes it instantly accessible on the Reports dashboard in formats you need. With Array, collect as much data as you want, and then pull out only the data you immediately need, saving the rest for later.

  4. Automate your data collection and analysis

    An automated process ensures that your data is collected accurately and efficiently. It also saves your business money by not wasting time and money manually collecting data, inputting it into your systems, and then sorting through it to create reports. With Array, the process is streamlined and efficient. Decide what data you want, and then access it in realtime as it's being collected.

    To get all the benefits of Array and find out exactly how Array can help your small-to-medium business thrive, book a demo or try it for free today.

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