Building Genuine Partnerships

A business is nothing without customers. It is only because of the needs of the customer that a business even exists in the first place. Customers are the lifeblood of any business.

This is certainly true for Array, but we like to go a little deeper than that. We like to build genuine partnerships. The kind that last beyond a simple transaction. We aren’t in the business of selling, we are in the business of building.

Building tools that change the way people work, building solutions for problems across industries, and most importantly, building relationships that help inform the work that we do. We empower our customers to be the best in their fields, and our customers motivate us to best in ours.

At Array, we are dedicated to achieving the highest level of excellence in customer service. We want our customers to know that they are our number one priority at all times. And we don’t just talk a big game, we back it up with our actions every single day. We don’t just give our customers the tools they need to grow, but we actually grow alongside them.

Our guiding principal in the way we interact with our customers boils down to one phrase. A mantra so important to us, we have it posted on the wall of our office and we live by it in everything we do at work and in our personal lives.

Listen Hard, Change Fast

To understand what this means to us and how we apply it in the way we work, we have to break it down. This phrase is more than just empty words to us. There are two parts to understand here, and both drastically impact the way we interact with our customers.

When we say Listen Hard, we are talking about active listening. We don’t just hear the needs our customers communicate to us, but we listen beyond what they are saying to discover the needs they don’t even know that they have.

Listening hard is about making sure our customers are served to the best of our abilities. We don’t just do the bare minimum, but instead strive to go above and beyond every single time.

We don’t just listen hard to hear the needs of our customers, but we listen hard to see how we can adjust and be better. Whether it’s a new feature, an integration, or any other way we can improve our platform, we are always trying to improve and grow so that we can better serve our customers.

This is the meaning of Change Fast. Once we know what we need to do to be better for our customers, we do the work necessary to make it happen. We don’t subscribe to a “one size fits all” mentality. Instead, we make changes that tailor our product to the industries and businesses we serve.

We are always learning about our customers. We want to know how they work, who they serve, and what their purpose is. The more we know about our customers, the better we can tailor our product to their needs.

We are in it with our customers to the very end. We know that they want to grow, so we want to grow with them. Array’s tools work just as well for a small business as they do for a massive corporation, and since we are build to scale we can not only grow with them, but help them grow.

Some of our best customers have been with us for years. We saw them start small with only a few users and a single use, and have grown in partnership with them until they had thousands of users and numerous use cases across every corner of their organization.

By building a genuine partnership, we can all grow together. Take a look at Massmart’s story to see exactly what we mean.

At Array, we hear the problems of our customers, whether they verbalize them or not. Then we make the necessary changes to make sure we can solve those problems. That is what “Listen Hard, Change Fast” is all about.

Excellence in Customer Service

The way we communicate with our customers is evident in the way they talk about us. In 2021, Crozdesk awarded us with the “Happiest Users” and “Quality Choice” customer service awards. We have a 4.6 star rating in customer service on Capterra.

Our customers speak louder about how we serve them than we ever could ourselves. We have helped thousands of users in dozens of countries improve the way that they work, so that they can serve their communities the best that they can.

We exist to help businesses be better. To help them grow, improve their processes, and be the best in their industry. We do this with intentionality, and we do it by focusing on one thing: Listen Hard, Change Fast.