Break Down Your Forms into Sections

Want to make your form, checklist or compliance document easy to navigate at a glance? Use Array’s sections function to divide your form into easily manageable chunks.

Navigate with the tap of a finger

Finding the right sections to complete on a form can feel like a scavenger hunt. Nobody likes jumping through multiple pages just to fill in a couple of relevant fields. With Array's sections feature, your forms become easy to navigate and a breeze to complete. Separate your form into neatly labeled sections, see each section's individual progress, and freely leave the form and come back to it as needed.

Forms. Made Easier.

Whether it's your employees or your customers filling out forms, you want the experience to be as simplified and intuitive as possible. The easier a form is to complete, the more likely the user is to complete it properly. Array's sections feature keeps your forms organized and efficient so your users stay happy and your submission rate skyrockets.

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